Stalking the C++ compiler

In this article, we will look into the code generated by the C++ compiler and understand whats happening under the hood.

So here is the program which we will work on:

int main() {
  int x = 5;

  x = x + 1;

  int y = x;

  y = x + 7;

This program does nothing interesting but we can learn a lot if we start looking into the generated assembly.

I'll use godbolt's Compiler Explorer to quickly get the generated assembly for x86_64.

What I got from x86_64 gcc 14.1 with no optimization enabled is:

    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp
    mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 5
    add     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
    mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
    sub     eax, 1
    mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], eax
    mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
    add     eax, 7
    mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], eax
    mov     eax, 0
    pop     rbp

x86_64 Linux Assembly Basics

I'll quickly give a walk through of assembly instructions used here:

  1. push A: Pushes A into the stack.

  2. mov D, S: Copy the content at S to D

  3. add A, B: Add the content at A and B and stores the result into A.

  4. sub A, B: Get the difference from A to B and store the result in A.

  5. pop B: Pop an element from the stack and store into B.

  6. ret: Return from the function (We'll look into what exactly it means later.)

If we ignore all the nitty-gritty here and look at the fourth line of the generated assembly, i.e.,

mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 5

We don't know what DWORD PTR [rbp-4] is, but with the knowledge we have gained so far. We are pretty sure that it is copying the value 5 somewhere (we'll look exactly where later) lets say to [rbp-4] for now. It is exactly what the following C++ code is expected to do:

int x = 5; // Write the value 5 to some memory location and name it x.

Lets move on to the next assembly instruction:

add DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1

We again ignore DWORD PTR [rbp-4] for now. But we are pretty sure it is adding the value 1 with the content at [rbp-4] (We exactly don't know what it is) and stores back the value at [rbp-4]. Previously we stored the value 5 at [rbp-4] now we added 1 to it. So it must store the value 6 now. It is exactly what the following C++ code is expected to do:

x = x + 1; // add 1 to the value of x and store the result in x itself.

Next assembly instruction we look at is:

mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]

This is again a move instruction. We still don't know what DWORD PTR [rbp-4] means and we also don't know what eax means but we are pretty sure we are copying the value at [rbp-4] to eax. If it is, eax now holds the value 6. We haven't exactly written the equivalent C++ line for this generated assembly, this is what compiler felt the need to generate itself.

The next instruction is:

sub eax, 1

We yet don't know what eax is but we are sure, we are subtracting the value at eax which is 6 by 1, so eax now holds 5. To summarize previous assembly instructions:

  1. [rbp-4] holds the value our variable x is expected to hold, i.e., 6

  2. Copy the value at [rbp-4] to eax.

  3. Subtracted the value at eax by one.

So what we can conclude is we have the value x-1 at eax. Looks like our Compiler is preparing for the following C++ code.

int y = x - 1;

It has already obtained the value for x-1 and stored at eax. It now just need to copy this value at eax to some location which it does using:

mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], eax

We exactly don't know what DWORD PTR [rbp-8] does, but we are here copying the value at eax which holds x-1 to some location [rbp-8].

The upcoming instructions are similar to the previous ones:

mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
add eax, 7
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], eax

This simply achieves what is expected from the following C++ code:

y = x + 7;

To Summarize:

  1. [rbp-4] holds the value, x is expected to store.

  2. Copy the value at [rbp-4], i.e., value of x to eax.

  3. Add 7 to the value at eax, eax now holds the value of x + 7.

  4. Copy the value at eax (x + 7) to some location [rbp-8].

Too much of abstraction so far. Lets dive somewhat deeper now.

Storage Organization

Every program run in its own address space, which can be divided in the following way.

      |        Code          |
      |        Static        |
      |        Heap          |
      |       Free Memory    |   
      |       Stack          |   


The generated code is kept in this region. It's size is fixed.


Things like global constants are placed in the region called Static.


Heap is dynamic in nature. It is used to manage data that may outlive the call to procedure(function) that created it. Heaps grow downwards i.e, towards the higher memory address.


Stack is also dynamic in nature. It is used to store data structures called activation record(also known as stack frame or call frame) that are generated during function call. Stack grows upwards i.e., towards lower memory address. This concept is necessary when we start talking about rbp.

Whenever a procedure is called, space for the variables are created in the stack, i.e., push operations are performed for the local variables. When the procedure terminates the space is popped off the stack. This should be enough to justify the statement that, stack is dynamic.

CPU Registers

Registers are memory unit within the CPU. Since they are within the CPU (processor) they are very quick to access. The properties of the registers are processor dependent. Anyways we will look into very few registers used by the compiler in the previously generated code.

  1. eax: 32 bit general purpose register.

  2. rsp: Stack Pointer Register. Points to the current top of the stack. It stores the address of the current top of stack.

  3. rbp: Base Pointer Register. Used as a reference pointer during function call.

Now we have all the basics required to look into the entire generated assembly.

Revisiting the generated assembly

I'll start by assuming that the main function has already been called.

When the first instruction is executed

push rbp

the stack looks like the following:

|                     |
|       rbp           | <- rsp
|                     |
|                     |

Fig: The current stack status.

The next instruction:

mov rbp, rsp

copies the value of rsp into rbp. What this means is, rbp now holds the address of the current top of stack.

The next instruction:

mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 5

puts the value 5 to a memory location that is 4 bytes below the address currently stored by rbp.

|                    |
|        5           |
|       rbp          | <-rsp
|                    |
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status after first move.

The next instruction then add the value 1 to the content at [rbp-4].

add DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1

The stack now looks like:

|                    |
|        6           |
|       rbp          | <-rsp
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status after the first add operation.

The next instruction copies the value at [rbp-4] into the eax register.

mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
|                    |
----------------------       -----
|        6           |       |eax|
----------------------       -----
|       rbp          | <-rsp | 6 |
----------------------       -----
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status and the value at eax register.

The next instruction:

sub eax, 1

subtracts the value at eax by 1 and stores it back into eax.

|                    |
----------------------       -----
|        6           |       |eax|
----------------------       -----
|       rbp          | <-rsp | 5 |
----------------------       -----
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status and the value at eax register.

The next instruction:

mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], eax

copies the value at eax into the memory location 8 bytes below the address at rbp.

|                    |
|        5           |
----------------------       -----
|        6           |       |eax|
----------------------       -----
|       rbp          | <-rsp | 5 |
----------------------       -----
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status and the value at eax register.

The next instruction:

mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]

copies the value at the location 4 bytes below the address stored by the rbp register.

|                    |
|        5           |
----------------------       -----
|        6           |       |eax|
----------------------       -----
|       rbp          | <-rsp | 6 |
----------------------       -----
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status and the value at eax register.

The next instruction:

add eax, 7

adds the value 7 to the value stored at the eax register.

|                    |
|        5           |
----------------------       -------
|        6           |       | eax |
----------------------       -------
|       rbp          | <-rsp | 13  |
----------------------       -------
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status and the value at eax register.

Similarly the next instruction:

mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], eax

copies the value at eax into [rbp-8].

|                    |
|        13          |
----------------------       -------
|        6           |       | eax |
----------------------       -------
|       rbp          | <-rsp | 13  |
----------------------       -------
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status and the value at eax register.

The next instruction:

mov eax, 0

sets the value 0 at the eax register.

|                    |
|        13          |
----------------------       -------
|        6           |       | eax |
----------------------       -------
|       rbp          | <-rsp |  0  |
----------------------       -------
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status and the value at eax register.

The next instruction :

pop rbp

pops the value from the stack and store it back into rbp. The pop operation moves the rsp downwards.

|                    |
|        13          |
----------------------       -------
|        6           |       | eax |
----------------------       -------
|       rbp          |       |  0  |
----------------------       -------
|                    | <-rsp
|                    |

Fig: The current stack status and the value at eax register.

The last instruction:


returns from the function. It basically sets the execution to the line after the function call.

This is it for this article. We'll look into more Compiler Stuffs in the next article.

I write articles and courses for Have a look at the Master C++ Course

Happy Learning!